MessageSave Commands¶

MessageSave user interface is represented by two buttons on the Outlook Ribbon.
- Save Messages button
- Drop-down with additional commands
Additional Commands¶
Click on the small triangle to see MessageSave drop-down with additional commands.

¶ One-click-save messages into the folder displayed on the command.
Advanced Option
¶ Opens the Advanced Options window.
Map This Folder
¶ Creates a mapping for the current Outlook folder and opens the Folder Mapping window to configure it.
Unmap This Folder
¶ Removes the mapping for the current Outlook folder, if one exists.
Import MSG files
¶ Opens the Import MSG Files Window.
¶ Opens MessageSave User Guide.
Check For Updates
¶ Check if a newer version is available.
About TechHit MessageSave
¶ Opens the About window where you can find MessageSave version number and license key.
Enter License Key
¶ Enter your license key into the product.